Family & Parenthood
Achieve peace at home.
Parenting can be a joy, but it is always hard work. And if your home struggles with disruption and negative emotion, well, that can make things really hard. There are no bonus points awarded to parents who “wing it” and don’t practice, learn, or get help. I teach parents just like you proven methods to create structure, discipline, and love in their families.

Learn to set boundaries
In a way that your child will respect, and in ways that respect your child.
Learn to manage your emotions
And not respond to your child in ways that can exacerbate the situation.
Learn to support and listen
And give your child the foundation that they need to become a strong independent adult.
Do you want to create peace at home? You can create that by safely connecting with your child.
Learn to connect and have a relationship with your child and still maintain order and discipline. Connecting with your child in a real way that respects each child for who they are will yield increased cooperation. They will feel a lot better about themselves And you will feel better too- A win-win situation. Kids don’t need you to be “nice” –although, hopefully you are nice – what they need you to be is clear, authentic and respectful, and of course loving. Setting boundaries, and at times saying NO, IS loving.
So how do I do that you ask, when my kids are being so difficult? How do you connect? Think ALIVE:
What you will learn in the ALIVE process:
You will learn what it means to Attend to your child’s needs. When their needs are met it will actually save you time and energy. Learn to Attend to your needs. When you are clear what you need to happen you will be much more successful.
You will learn to Listen in a new way that leads to understanding and models good communication skills. When you listen more and talk less, you will be amazed at how quickly negative energy changes to positive. Listen to your own self talk.
You will learn to take an Interest in who your child is. Show them that you have Interestsas well.
You will learn to Validate your child. You will learn to see your child for who they are without judgment. (This does not mean letting them get away with behaving badly! Or not abiding by the rules!) Don’t forget to be Kind to yourself.
You will learn the importance of showing Empathy. If we want our children to grow into caring adults, we need to model empathy. Be empathetic towards yourself, be gentle and treat yourself as if you were your own best friend. When you can have empathy towards your own child parts, it will be so much easier to show empathy towards your child and in turn teach them to be empathetic towards others.
Let me help you reach that fullness in being ALIVE, creating peace and harmony at home!